The Power of Cloud Computing in the Middle East: Breaking Down the Numbers and Statistics

Cloud computing is quickly changing how businesses operate in the Middle East. Many companies are using cloud solutions to stay competitive and flexible in today’s fast digital world. But what do the numbers and stats tell us about the current state of cloud computing in the region? In this article, we’ll go over the important facts and insights to help you stay informed and ahead.

Adoption Rates on the Rise

A recent study by the Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) shows that more and more businesses in the Middle East are starting to use cloud technology. Most organizations there have either already started using it or are thinking about using it soon. The study found that 85% of companies in the Middle East are either using or planning to use the cloud, and 42% have already started using it.

Why is this happening? The study says it’s because businesses in the Middle East want things like more flexibility, scalability, and cost savings. Also, with more people working remotely, there’s a growing need for tools that help with collaboration, and that’s where cloud-based solutions come in.

Multi-Cloud Strategies Gain Traction

A big trend in the Middle Eastern cloud computing world is using different cloud services from various providers instead of just one. This means companies are combining public and private cloud services to be more flexible, resilient, and secure.

According to IDC, the public cloud services market in the Middle East and Africa is expected to reach $4.5 billion in 2023. This growth (20.7% CAGR) from 2018 to 2023 is because of the region’s push for digital transformation, leading to more use of cloud technologies. The study also shows that infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) is the most used cloud service in the region, followed by software-as-a-service (SaaS) and platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

Security Remains a Top Concern

Although cloud computing offers numerous advantages, security is a major worry for organizations in the Middle East. A recent survey by CyberKnight, a security firm, revealed that 82% of IT leaders in the region consider security their primary concern when adopting cloud services. Many are afraid of potential issues such as data breaches, ransomware attacks, and other cyber threats.

To tackle these worries, companies are actively investing in solutions for cloud security. They are also teaming up with cloud providers that have strong security features and certifications. The concerns most commonly raised by Middle Eastern organizations, according to a CSA study, include worries about data loss and leakage, data privacy, and adherence to local and international regulations.

Challenges faced by businesses in adopting cloud computing

While cloud computing has many advantages, businesses in the MENA region face some challenges when they try to use cloud-based solutions. One big issue is that many companies in the area don’t know much about cloud technology. They still use traditional IT solutions and are unsure about switching to the cloud. Another problem is that there aren’t enough skilled professionals in the region who know how to work with cloud computing. This makes it hard for businesses to find the right people to handle their cloud-based systems. Also, there are worries about keeping data safe and private, and making sure everything follows local rules and laws. Companies in the MENA region have to make sure their cloud solutions meet local and international standards.

Strategies for successful cloud migration in the Middle East region

To smoothly shift to the cloud, companies in the MENA region should have a clear plan. This means understanding their business goals, picking the right cloud service provider, and following local rules. It’s also crucial to have the right skills to handle cloud solutions, which might mean hiring new people or training existing staff.

Data security and privacy are big concerns too. Companies must make sure their cloud solutions are safe and follow local rules. It helps to work with a cloud service provider that meets international standards like ISO 27001 and PCI-DSS.

Key players in the Middle East cloud computing market

In the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) cloud computing market, some important companies are Microsoft, Amazon Web Services, Oracle, Google, and Alibaba Cloud. These companies provide different types of cloud solutions, like infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS).

The Future of Cloud Computing in the Middle East

So, what’s coming up for cloud computing in the Middle East? Well, a study by IDC suggests that the market for public cloud services in the region is expected to grow a lot (25.5% each year) from 2020 to 2025. This growth is fueled by things like the push for digital transformation, the rise of smart city projects, and the increasing popularity of online shopping.

But, there are challenges too. Issues with security, following rules, and where data is stored (data sovereignty) are still concerns. On top of that, global cloud providers are becoming tough competition. To stay ahead, companies in the Middle East should invest in strong cloud solutions that can grow, stay secure, and be flexible. It’s also important for them to team up with cloud providers who really understand the local market and the rules in place.


As the Middle East embraces the shift to digital technology, cloud computing is becoming increasingly important for companies to stay competitive and flexible. YVOLV, by staying informed about the latest trends and insights in the industry, helps companies make smart choices about their cloud strategies. This enables them to harness the power of cloud computing to drive growth and innovation.

Syed Zayn
Author: Syed Zayn

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