Alibaba Cloud Introduces New Pricing Strategy and Service Availability for International Customers

Alibaba Cloud, a leading global cloud provider, has announced significant price reductions of up to 59% on core public cloud products for international customers. This move aligns with their focus on AI technology and aims to make computing resources more affordable for businesses of all sizes. The new pricing strategy covers various essential cloud services, including computing, storage, networking, databases, and big data products, with an average price reduction of 23%. Selina Yuan, President of Alibaba Cloud Intelligence’s International Business, emphasized their commitment to making AI more accessible by offering cost-effective solutions and stable infrastructure for long-term growth.

The new pricing applies to everyone, whether you’re already a customer or just signing up, and you can do it all on the official Alibaba Cloud website. Here’s what’s new and exciting from the Alibaba Cloud Spring Launch:

  • You’ll save money on different ways of paying for Elastic Compute Service (ECS), like pay-as-you-go or subscriptions. For example, businesses outside China using pay-as-you-go could save up to 30% on ECS and 59% on Elastic Block Storage (EBS).
  • To help you save even more in the long run, there’s a new Object Storage Service (OSS)-Resource plan. You can reserve storage space in one region for a year at a discounted rate. For example, a 500GB storage plan, popular with small businesses, is now just USD16.99 instead of USD63 for a year.
  • If you use database products like ApsaraDB or big data products like MaxCompute, you’ll get discounts on long-term packages, from one to five years. Some discounts are as high as 50%.
  • Plus, Alibaba Cloud is now offering more FREE monthly usage of Cloud Data Transfer Service. Instead of 20GB, you’ll get 200GB for international customers. This service helps you control how much data you transfer across different services and manage your costs better.

Exciting Updates: New Features to Enhance AI Development

Alibaba Cloud has introduced new services and product features to make it easier for customers worldwide to work with AI. These innovations aim to simplify the AI process and are now available for international customers.

  • Alibaba Cloud has made it easier for businesses to use AI by offering a managed service for large language models (LLMs). This service provides access to experts who help with setting up and running LLMs on the cloud. With this service, businesses can focus on using LLMs to improve their operations without worrying about the technical details.
  • A new AI computing platform called PAI-Lingjun Intelligent Computing Service is now available in Singapore. This platform is designed for tasks that require a lot of computing power, like training and running AI models. It helps with all aspects of AI work, from development to managing computing resources.
  • Alibaba Cloud’s Energy Expert, a sustainability solution powered by AI, now has new features. It includes an open API service that offers carbon and energy micro-services. These services help with tasks like calculating carbon footprints, optimizing emissions, and monitoring energy use. Developers can use these services to create custom sustainability apps and improve AI models for better results.

Alibaba Cloud’s Energy Expert, a sustainability solution powered by AI, now has new features. It includes an open API service that offers carbon and energy micro-services. These services help with tasks like calculating carbon footprints, optimizing emissions, and monitoring energy use. Developers can use these services to create custom sustainability apps and improve AI models for better results.

New initiatives to strengthen global partnership ecosystem

To strengthen its global partnership network, Alibaba Cloud announced new financial benefits at the event. These include higher discounts and commissions for resellers, removing initial requirements and yearly commitments, and offering more support to partners to expand their market presence.
Alibaba Cloud also improved its training program to help partners improve their service delivery skills and introduced a dedicated partner service manager role for better support.

Currently, Alibaba Cloud operates in 30 regions globally, serving over 4 million customers. According to the latest Gartner® report, Alibaba ranks third globally and first in Asia Pacific as an IaaS provider.

Syed Zayn
Author: Syed Zayn

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